Learning at Home Survey

 The Child Poverty Action Group Cost of the School Day team have launched two new school closure surveys to identify what might be working well, and what could be improved upon, especially for families on low incomes. It’s a UK wide survey but the Scottish team will analyse results from a Scottish perspective.

  •  The first survey is aimed at parents and carers: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3R66RMC seeking to hear experiences of help with food costs, support and resources available for children’s learning, help with changes in financial circumstances and support for children’s wellbeing.
  •  The second survey is aimed at children and young people: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3XDY6MN which seeks to hear experiences of learning at home, support and resources available and help with wellbeing.

We would appreciate if you and your child(ren) could complete both surveys when convenient.  Thank you!